I am one of these weirdoes who never watch TV. If you ask me my main reasoning would be that I have better things to do than just watch this trash. I would most likely beautify my anti-TV speech with an assortment of mildly offensive words, even some one should not repeat in front of ones mum.
Whatever I say… this is a lie.
The REAL reason I do not watch TV is that I get obsessed with whatever I see. My brain absorbs the information, tries to analyse it and submerges to the blissful passivity of a flat-pack reality. The one that comes in a box.
It happened to me in several occasions. If I watch something again and again I start thinking in terms of it, judging the world (the real one, not the one in the box) using borrowed morals from my fake reality.
Obsession One: Sex and the City
Alter Ego: Miranda Hobbs (boys do not hate me now...!)

That was one of the harmless ones. It only made me more aware of the fact that relationships are not for ever and that I could actually break up with the boyfriend who I did not really like any more and that would not mean I would burn in hell. The problem only started when these oh-so-smart tests came out that assessed your personality using the four SATC girls as archetypes. When my male (and straight, come to that) best friend told me that he was 40% Carrie, that was the point I knew I had pushed it too far.
Obsession Two: Babylon 5
Alter Ego: Ambassador Delen (undecisive in terms of spiecies)

For months I preferred watching negotiations between alien and human forms of life instead of spending quality time with the poor boyfriend who made the fatal mistake of introducing me to Sci-Fi. Honestly that was not big loss, but that was not part of the obsession. Various races and lots of inter-galaxy tensions occupied my mind at a time that I should be writing up my PhD. By the end of the series I was wondering if as a Mimbari ambassador I would actually decide to become the first human-mimbari hybrid. Oh what a torture! Big choices for my small trivial existence!
Obsession Three: Heroes
Alter Ego: Peter Petrelli (I just want to be able to do it all but be a loser out of choice)

If you say that you do not secretly aspire to be Peter Petrelli you are a big fat liar. I was so intrigued by the series that after I finished watching the first season I went deeply underground and watched the second season on very illegal Chinese streaming website. It was like bad wine. You know it tastes like vinegar, you know it will give you the worse headache in the morning, you know than when you wake up you won’t remember a thing of what you did while you drunk it… but still you do it simply you need your doses. Some are heroin addicts. I was a hero addict.
I could name some more... including some greek ones: Firefly, Dio Ksenoi (Two strangers), Xfiles, even... (hold your breath) Nightrider....
So, an advice to whoever wants my attention: Do not switch on the TV while I am in the room. If you do that you lost me as my brain will enter a virtual world without escape (unless you pull the plug!). At least I do not dress up thinking that the people in the box can actually see me...