Monday, 7 August 2006

PhD sayings

When you get your BA you know a little bit about everything, when you get your PhD you know a lot about nothing.

Or as I would put it you know a lot about the fact you know nothing.

The first saying came from my collegue, a PhD in Pysics. Second one by Socrates... but I adjusted it to fit the PhD reality. Just keeping in mind that I share the office with a PhD in physics, a PhD in criminology, a PhD-in-waiting in American politics and a PhD-in-waiting in Sociology, one can only hope that someone will know what he is doing in this office. (I can't say I am convinced...)

Day by day, working so hard on it, I feel I am losing knowledge instead of gaining more, let alone creating some as a PhD is suppose to do.

First draft almost done and yet... no new knowledge for the world. What a tragedy.

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